Hi, I am trying to access private level members with a Derived class but keep getting: Error1 cannot access private member declared in class 'TimeType'.
Here is my code for the Base Header file:
class TimeType
int hours;
int minutes;
int seconds;

virtual void setTime(int,int,int);
int gethours();
int getminutes();
int getseconds();
bool operator ==(const TimeType&);
bool operator <(const TimeType&);
friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &,const TimeType&);
friend istream &operator >>(istream &,const TimeType&);
...and here is my code for the Derived header file:
class extTimeType:public TimeType
string timezone;
void setTimeZone(string);
void setTime(int,int,int,string);
string getTimeZone();
bool operator ==(const extTimeType&);
bool operator <(const extTimeType&);
friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &,const extTimeType&);
friend istream &operator >>(istream &,const extTimeType&);


ostream &operator <<(ostream &strm, const extTimeType &obj)
strm<<obj.hours <====ERROR HERE
<<":"<<obj.minutes <====ERROR HERE
<<":"<<obj.seconds <====ERROR HERE
return strm;

Any help appreciated.

In short, the private members of your base class should be declared as protected rather than private if you want derived objects to be able to access them directly.

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