hello all
I have a datagridview (say it dgv1) with only two columns ,column for name field and column for age field
I have another datagridview (say it dgv2) with the same two colums as dgv1

I create datatable ,(say it table1) then I get data from dgv1 and fill to table1.
I then get the dgv2 content and fill to table1.
I command dgv1.datasource=null;

I then make the table1 as dgv1 datasource,
The problem is the content of the table1 begin at row[0],column[4] of dgv1.

How to place to row[0] column[0] ?

thank you

how do you add to table1 from dgv2? My guess is that you add 2 more columns, instead of adding data to 1st and 2nd columns only (so bellow the previous data).

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