How can i give an icon to the exe file produced after executing my code?? is it possible??

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What compiler, OS, and IDE are you using? The simple answer is that you need to add an icon resource to your project and include that resource in the build. But that doesn't answer your question of how to do it.

yeah! I could help myself by making a resource of the icon in dev.
but what actually happens internally while compiling it.?
after the compilation, i see a header file created with a few macros.
so I just need to create a header file which supports my code?? isn't it??

but what actually happens internally while compiling it.?

I don't know, I've never looked into that. But I do know about the PE (Portable Executable) format that Windows uses for .EXE files, and it has a resources section. I'd be shocked if that's not where the icon is stored.

thanks for your replies :)
I better use resources rather than thinking how it happens!! ;)

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