Hello I am trying to allocate a dynamic array of length that the user inputs. I have a function to this for me but it doesn't allocate the number that I want it to allocate. For example, when I input one it gives me 7 digits...

heres the code:

int* Allocate(int& digits)
    cout << digits << endl;
    int* hold;
    hold = new int[digits];

    for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++)
        cout << *hold;
    cout << endl;

    return hold;

I can't find out anything thats wrong. The number of digits is getting passed correctly..,

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Array hold is created but not initialised with any values. When you dereference hold, it spits out garbage value.

You must initialize int array hold first after dynamically allocating it.

I do have an Initializer function as well but when I output that it gives me double the number I inputed, and its all garabage values instead of 0 as defined in this function (you may not understand why I am doing it like this but it is part of a bigger program):

void Init(int* array, int& digits)
    for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++)
        *array = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++)
        cout << *array;
    cout << endl;

Nevermind, it all worked out.

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