xianamersu 0 Newbie Poster

I'm trying to make a video store program that allows customers to search for videos and either buy or rent them. I have already made a class with 3 subclasses, VHS, DVD and VCD. for the meantime,When video objects are first put into the store, the status should be “IN”. Each time a video is rented, the status of that video is set to “OUT”. When a rented video is returned, the status is set back to “IN”. How do I use a boolean to do this?

And how to set a price for vhs, dvd and vcd individually


Video superclass:

    package videos;  
    import java.io.*;  
    public abstract class Video implements Serializable{  

            public String vid_name;  
            public double vid_length;  
        public String vid_status;  

        public Video(String vidName, double vidLength)  
            vid_name= vidName;  


        public String getVidName()   
            return vid_name;  
        public double getMovLength()   
            return vid_length;  

            public String getVidStatus() {  
                    return vid_status;  

            public void setVidStatus(String vid_status) {  
                    this.vid_status = vid_status;  

            public abstract boolean equals(String vid_name, String type); //abtract method to check for video existence  

just gonna put my dvd class here because the vcd and vhs are pretty much similar:

package videos;  

import java.io.*;  
 * @author user 
public abstract class DVD extends Video implements Serializable{  

       private String _Director;  
       private double vid_price;  

    public DVD(String vidName, double vidLength )  
        super (vidName, vidLength);  


        public DVD(String vidName, double vidLength, double vidPrice, String Director )  
        super(vidName, vidLength);  
                      _Director = Director;  

        public boolean equals(String vid_name, String type)  

        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("DVD"))  

                return true;  

                return false;  


            return false;  


the only boolean in this prgram will be used later for the customer to enquire about a specific video. my code is nt complete. I was thinking if I require another boolean to check for availability

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