I have an usb-camera with its drivers and dll with some funtions to use this camera in my solutions. I want to use it in any wide-spread applications, to be able just to choose and use it in Skype, for instance. So. I want to develop some soft that will give to the system and apps like Skype data in format they waiting it and take data from camera with its dll-functions.
What technologies exist for such tasks? which of them is the closest to usuall app development, not driver development, cause I have no skills in it.
How should I call such soft to google help, examples, tutorials?

I want to develop some soft that will give to the system and apps like Skype data in format they waiting it and take data from camera with its dll-functions

so you want to develop the driver itself, right?

so you want to develop the driver itself, right?

Definitely not) I don't know how develop drivers at all. But may be I have to, if there is no other way.

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