Hi all,

I'm trying to do this challenge from the book I'm following, but I'm so confused. I need to get a variable from one class, and use it as data in another class. As you see in my code, in the Shuttle class, I need to get the score (self.score.value) and put it in the Alien.check_drop() part. I'm going to use an if statement to change to level, so when the user's score reaches 100, I'll increase the Aliens speed at which it moves.

I don't even know where to start.

Please help.

#Asteroid panic
#Player must catch falling asteroids before they hit the ground

from livewires import games, color
import random

games.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 150)

class Shuttle(games.Sprite):
    """A shuttle controlled by player to catch falling asteroids"""
    image = games.load_image("shuttle.bmp")

    def __init__(self, alien):
        """Initialize Shuttle object and create Text object for score"""
        super(Shuttle, self).__init__(image = Shuttle.image,
                                  x = games.mouse.x,
                                  bottom = games.screen.height)

        self.score = games.Text(value = 0,
                                size = 25,
                                color = color.red,
                                top = 5,
                                right = games.screen.width - 10)

    def update(self):
        """Move to mouse x position"""
        self.x = games.mouse.x

        if self.left < 0:
            self.left = 0
        if self.right > games.screen.width:
            self.right = games.screen.width


    def check_catch(self):
        """Check if catch asteroids"""
        for asteroid in self.overlapping_sprites:
            self.score.value += 10
            self.score.right = games.screen.width - 10

class Asteroid(games.Sprite):
    """An asteroid which falls to the ground"""
    image = games.load_image("asteroid.bmp")
    speed = 1
    def __init__(self, x, y = 90):
        """Initialize an Asteroid object"""
        super(Asteroid, self).__init__(image = Asteroid.image,
                                       x = x, y = y,
                                       dy = Asteroid.speed)

    def update(self):
        """Check if botton edge has reached screen bottom"""
        if self.bottom > games.screen.height:

    def handle_caught(self):
        """Destroy self if caught"""

    def end_game(self):
        """End the game"""
        end_message = games.Message(value = "Game Over",
                                    size = 90,
                                    color = color.red,
                                    x = games.screen.width / 2,
                                    y = games.screen.height / 2,
                                    lifetime = 5 * games.screen.fps,
                                    after_death = games.screen.quit)

class Alien(games.Sprite):
    """An alien which moves left and right, dropping asteroids"""
    image = games.load_image("alien.bmp")

    def __init__(self, y = 55, speed = 1, odds_change = 200):
        """Initialize the Alien object"""
        super(Alien, self).__init__(image = Alien.image,
                                    x = games.screen.width / 2,
                                    y = y,
                                    dx = speed)

        self.odds_change = odds_change
        self.time_till_drop = 0
        self.current_level = 1

    def update(self):
        """Determine if direction needs to be reversed"""
        if self.left < 0 or self.right > games.screen.width:
            self.dx = -self.dx
        elif random.randrange(self.odds_change) == 0:
            self.dx = -self.dx


    def check_drop(self):
        """Decrease countdown or drop asteroid and reset countdown"""
        if self.time_till_drop > 0:
            self.time_till_drop -= 1
            new_asteroid = Asteroid(x = self.x)
            #set buffer to approx 30% of asteroid height, regardless of asteroid speed
            self.time_till_drop = int(new_asteroid.height * 1.3 / Asteroid.speed) + 1

def main():
    """Play the game"""
    wall_image = games.load_image("galaxy.jpg", transparent = False)
    games.screen.background = wall_image

    the_alien = Alien()

    the_shuttle = Shuttle()

    games.mouse.is_visible = False

    games.screen.event_grab = True

Usually in object oriented design you would do for example

class Ship(object):   
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Ship(%s)' % self.name

    __repr__ = __str__

class Game(object):
    def __init__(self, ship_count = 3):
        self.ships = [Ship(str(n)) for n in range(ship_count)]
        self.score = 0

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Score: %i Ships: %s' % (self.score, self.ships)

g = Game()
print g
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