Hello programmers!

I made two programms. One is for my marks in school and second is for library for my school. One man who work in the library in my school has error with this my software. Software can't load database anymore. When I start program I got error message:

Screenshot of the error message here

and when I click continue grid-view of data-base is empty. All items are gone.

Please help me fast as you can. Thanks.

Is the database on the same machine as the application?

Is the dababase server on his machine named the same as on the machine used to develop the application?

Does the connection string contain the correct information to connect to the database?

Does the user have sufficient access rights to the database?

When I developed any software on my machine that required database access, I typically used a database on my computer. In that case, I accessed it using integrated security (as the machine owner I had God like access powers). Naturally, when moved into production, the connection string info had to be modified to reflect the new environment. It's possible that is all that has to be modified.

I am sure there is no any problems with the code because this software worked before. :/

You didn't answer any of my questions so I really can't add anything. What is different between when it was working and now that it's not.

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