This is a project I am working at my school as an introduction to two dimensional array. In this program, I attempted to create a two dimensional array, figure out how many neighbouring bacteria said cell have, and create, destroy, and leave the cell as it is. The error I am having is that nothing happens after I press my button. Looking through the script, I am having a hard time finding the logical error. Thank you very much for your time!

// The "Assignment13" class.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Assignment13 extends Applet
    // Instance variables
    Button button[] [] = new Button [10] [10];
    boolean bacteriaCheck[] [] = new boolean [10] [10];
    Button done = new Button ();
    Button nextgen = new Button ();
    static TextArea text;
    Font f;
    int one, two;
    int temp = 0;

    public void init ()
        f = new Font ("Arial", 10, 24); // Font creation

        // Creates buttons based on the counter
        for (int i = 0 ; i <= 9 ; i++)
            for (int k = 0 ; k <= 9 ; k++)
                button [i] [k] = new Button (); // Populates array

        Panel panel = new Panel ();
        GridLayout grid = new GridLayout (10, 10); // Creates a 10x10 grid
        setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
        panel.setLayout (grid);
        text = new TextArea (10, 20);

        // Adds buttons to panel
        for (int i = 0 ; i <= 9 ; i++)
            for (int k = 0 ; k <= 9 ; k++)
                panel.add (button [i] [k]);
                bacteriaCheck [i] [k] = false;
        panel.add (nextgen); // Adds "Next Generation" button to panel
        panel.add (done); // Adds "Done" button to panel
        done.setLabel ("Done");
        nextgen.setLabel ("Next Generation");
        add ("Center", panel); // Puts panel in the center of applet
        add ("East", nextgen); // Puts "Next Generation" button on the east side of applet
        add ("South", done); // Puts "Done" button at the bottom of applet
        add ("West", text);

        for (int i = 0 ; i <= 19 ; i++)
            // Randomly generates 20 cells
            one = (int) (Math.random () * 10);
            two = (int) (Math.random () * 10);

            if (bacteriaCheck [one] [two] == true)
                i = i - 1;
                button [one] [two].setLabel ("X"); // Sets label to "X" on the randomly generated cells
                button [one] [two].setEnabled (false); // Sets the buttons to false so they can't be overwritten
                button [one] [two].setFont (f); // Sets the font on the buttons
                bacteriaCheck [one] [two] = true;

    } // init method

    public boolean action (Event e, Object o)

        if ( == done)
            // Disables buttons
            nextgen.setEnabled (false);
            done.setEnabled (false);
            System.exit (0); // Exits applet

        if ( == nextgen)
            advanceday ();

        return true;
    } //action method

    public void advanceday ()
        for (int xCord = 1 ; xCord == 10 ; xCord++)
            for (int yCord = 1 ; yCord == 10 ; yCord++)

                if (bacteriaCheck [xCord] [yCord] = false && neighbourCount (bacteriaCheck, xCord, yCord) == 3)
                    button [xCord] [yCord].setLabel ("X"); // Sets label to "X" on the randomly generated cells
                    button [xCord] [yCord].setEnabled (false); // Sets the buttons to false so they can't be overwritten
                    button [xCord] [yCord].setFont (f); // Sets the font on the buttons
                    bacteriaCheck [xCord] [yCord] = true;
                 else if (bacteriaCheck [xCord] [yCord] = true && neighbourCount (bacteriaCheck, xCord, yCord) > 3 && neighbourCount (bacteriaCheck, xCord, yCord) < 2)
                    button [xCord] [yCord].setLabel (""); // Sets label to "X" on the randomly generated cells
                    button [xCord] [yCord].setEnabled (true); // Sets the buttons to false so they can't be overwritten
                    bacteriaCheck [xCord] [yCord] = false;
        } //advanceday

    public static int neighbourCount (boolean[] [] bacteriaCheck, int x, int y)  //count neighbours
        // X and Y co-ordinates for all spots around current point
        int[] xVals = {x - 1, x - 1, x - 1, x, x, x + 1, x + 1, x + 1};
        int[] yVals = {y - 1, y, y + 1, y - 1, y + 1, y - 1, y, y + 1};

        int nCount = 0;
        // Count neighbours algorithm
        for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
            if (xVals [i] >= 0 && yVals [i] >= 0 && xVals [i] <= 11 && yVals [i] <= 11)
                if (bacteriaCheck [(xVals [i])] [(yVals [i])] == true)
        text.append (Integer.toString (nCount));
        return nCount;
    } //neighbourCount
} // Assignment13 class

different things: 1, if possible: use the Swing components, not the older AWT stuff.
2. don't forget to actually link your buttons to your actions.

you'll have to add an ActionListener

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