can u please help me to make this program..a program that decide and accept y for yes and N for no.y to repeat the process and no for the exit of the program..

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#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string answer;

        cout << "Enter \"y\" or \"n\": ";
        getline(cin, answer);

        // Trim whitespaces before/after input. We tolerate those.
        answer.erase(find_if(answer.rbegin(), answer.rend(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), answer.end());
        answer.erase(answer.begin(), find_if(answer.begin(), answer.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))));

        if (answer.size() > 0)
            // Convert the entered character to lowercase.
            answer[0] = tolower(answer[0]);

            // Allow whitespaces after our input, but nothing else.
            if ((answer[0] != 'y' && answer[0] != 'n') || answer.size() > 1)
                cerr << "Invalid input!\n";
            cerr << "Please provide input!\n";
    while (answer.size() == 0 || answer[0] != 'y');

    return 0;


Oh oops, post looks silly after that reply I guess. Mods/admins may remove the code/post if needed.

I think if he tries to turn that code in his teacher will know it is not his.

/there you go mate..just follow this simple programme...any issues with it,just get back to me/

declare variables
char first;
char second = 'n';
char firstName [] = "john";//character array
char secondName[] = "ciaran";//char array//if you specify the char amount in []
// it will allow only that many char
cout<< "do you want to continue ?"<<endl;
if (first=='y')

{ cout<< "you typed  "<<first <<"  so you want to continue "<<secondName<<endl; }

else if (first='n')
{cout<<"goodbye "<<firstName<<endl;}

else {cout<<"what do you want to do next? \n";}

system ("pause");
return 0;
//end of main
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