f_atencia 0 Junior Poster in Training

Say I have the following XML:

    <Group id="1">
        <Person FirstName="Bob" Surname="The Builder"/>
        <Person FirstName="Jane" Surname="Doe"/>
    <Group id="2">
        <Person FirstName="Billie" Surname="Jean"/>

How can I update Group 1 dynamically by replacing it from an imported xml file (for this sake, we'll store it in a variable called $ImportXML)?

    <Group id="1">
        <Person FirstName="Donald" Surname="Duck"/>
        <Person FirstName="Daisy" Surname="Duck"/>
        <Person FirstName="Mickey" Surname="Mouse"/>
        <Person FirstName="Minnie" Surname="Mouse"/>
    <Group id="2">
        <Person FirstName="Billie" Surname="Jean"/>
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