Here is the assignent:

Sort the integer elements within the array from lowest (element 0) to highest (element 4). Do not use the preexisting Array.Sort method; code your own. Output the sorted array as follows:

Element 0 => smallest value
Element 1 => next smallest value
Element 2 => next smallest value
Element 3 => next smallest value
Element 4 => Largest value

Suggestions: Use a for() loop inside of a while() loop. Probably the easiest way to code this is to compare array element i with element i+1 in the for() loop. If i+1 < i then swap the values. Be careful not to overflow the array. The while() loop checks whether a swap occurred. When you can go through the array without swapping any values then the array is sorted and you can exit the while() loop.

        static void Main(string[] args)

                        string myName = "";

                        Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
                        myName = Console.ReadLine();

                        Console.WriteLine("Your name is {0}.", myName);

                        int[] Inputs= new int[5];
                        int intValue = 0; 
                        float Average = 0;
                        float Variance = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Length; i++)
                            while (intValue < 10 || intValue > 50)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter {0} integers between 10 and 50 one at a time: ", Inputs.Length - i);
                                if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out intValue))

                           if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out intValue))
                               intValue = i++;
                           Inputs[i++] = intValue;
                               if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out intValue))
                                   intValue = i++;
                               Inputs[i++] = intValue;
                                   if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out intValue))
                                       intValue = i++;
                                   Inputs[i++] = intValue;
                                       if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out intValue))
                                           intValue = i++;
                                       Inputs[i++] = intValue;
                                           if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out intValue))
                                               intValue = i++;
                                           Inputs[i++] = intValue;




                        Average = (float)(Inputs.Sum() / 5.0f);
                        for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Length; i++)
                    Variance +=(Inputs[i]-Average)*(Inputs[i]-Average);
                Console.WriteLine("The average of the integers is {0}\n", Average);
                Variance /= 4;
                Console.WriteLine("The variance of the integers is {0}\n", Variance);
                Console.WriteLine("Your name is {0}.", myName);


Now how do I sort my Integers without using array.sort?

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All 6 Replies

And this

Thanks for the link. Helped a lot didn't mean to ask for the answer, I should've asked a gateway question.

Searching for sorts on the internet will give you lots of answers, it's hard not to find them. Explaining how it works on the other hand ...

The simplest is probably the bubble sort, just as your instructor suggested. There's even a code snippets posted here for that type of sort.

@Mmomerath: You definitely should turn your awesome sorting into some kind of tutorial! :o)

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