Hi..Stress is a common thing in every programmer's life. So here is a way you can reduce your stress..

Write System.exit(0); in your code whenever you are in stress..:)

Comment your own tips too to avoid stress

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If I as your employer found such thing in your code I would fire you.

You should be communicating your difficulties to your team and supperiors and not create extra work for others

not to mention "reduce the stress" you'll get right before a deadline, when you have to "hurry-hurry-hurry" to remove all of that code, and hoping you've got them all.
wrote a comment to make sure you'ld find them all? well, then just hope one of your colleagues didn't play a "funny" on you by removing comments.

You better remain as an employee rather than employer..

harinath: EVERY employer (in his/her right mind) 'll fire you for stuff like that, not just Peter_Budo

Write System.exit(0); in your code whenever you are in stress..:)

It won't reduce stress, it will create stress in the long run. Because

  1. Whenever the program appears to be shutting down for no apparent reason it will cause headache to your colleague(s) (and you, if you forget about the System.exit call(s)) who are trying to hunt down its cause.

  2. In business use there will probably be a VCS (Version Control System) in use so it will be possible at any time to track down who wrote that line of code. And if it leads to you, then be prepared for some well deserved criticisms.

I think it is fair to say that in most cases when you're tempted to use System.exit it is probably in the context of debugging. There's a saying that goes "Use the right tool for the right job": when you're debugging the right tool is a debugger (which enables you to shut down the program at a certain breakpoint you set).

Just terminating your program right away is probably the worst thing you could do in almost every case.
If you have to do so, then make sure that it is obvious to the user as to why it did happen.

Keep in mind however that in most cases there are alternatives such as the exception handling mechanism, which aids in creating robust programs.

Comment your own tips too to avoid stress

Take a break from the computer, give your eyes some rest, get a coffee or hot chocolate.

Whenever I need to reduce stress I find a post that was obviously intended as a joke and take it very very seriously </humour>

Whenever I need to reduce stress I find a post that was obviously intended as a joke and take it very very seriously </humour>

In that case I'd suggest you take a look at the link in my signature and let the fun begin ;)
I'm sure one can draw alot of inspiration from that.

Besides that the OP never explicitly pointed out this was intended as a joke, not even after two serious replies.
So I think it doesn't hurt to reply with some warnings so that a newbie reading this thread won't take this for real.

OK, ok, ok.
I've thoroughly enjoyed your unmaintainable code site in the past. It should be compulsory reading - maybe you should add a link to it in the "starting Java" topic? (that wasn't a joke, I meant it).

@harinath_2007 what is point in trying to explain something to someone who is not willing to listen. When you grow up and get commercial experiences you may understand

@harinath_2007 what is point in trying to explain something to someone who is not willing to listen.

Awesome joke @peter_budo.. You are best in creating <humour> than me. Who is trying to explain whom. Do you think before posting anything?. I never tried to explain something to you (I dont want to) or somebody else. I dont want to argue with <no insults allowed here JC> like you.

See my title of post and go search for the meaning of ":)" symbol. And i guess you need a doctor badly.:)

Harinath, though I can see that your intention was to "lighten" up the Java forum with your humour, this really isn't the best place for it; next time for programming related humour try the Geek's Lounge.

Also, let's refrain from personal attacks here. I'm closing this thread now.

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