I'm trying to use the Import/Export Wizard to import data from an Excel File to the SQL Database.

First, know that I'm trying to run it as an "Administrator". I've had issues because it wouldn't let me log in. So I'm trying it this way.

I'm following the steps as follows:

Choose a Data Source: I'm chosing the Excel file located on my desktop.
Choose a Destination: I chose ".Net Framework Data Provider for SQLServer (checked the properties of the file and it confirmed it was a .Net Framework).

At this point a box appears with multiple options (Advance, Context, Initialization, etc.). It appears that much of this is filled out for you. I would assume the important stuff for me to do is the options for Source.

I chose:

Attach Db Filename: This directs you to the specific database you need to upload to.
Context Connection: False
Data Source: In my case, I only had one place to choose: DON-PC
Failover Source: Same as above
Initial Catalog: I'm unsure as to what to enter here. My assumption would be the name I've given to the database (I've called it "DataSolution"). So I've entered that in.
MultiSubnetFailover: False
User Instance: False

I'm getting a "Login Failed for User. (Microsoft SQL Server Error, 18456)"

I've gotten this error every time regarless of how I was logged on. I've looked up the error message on the internet and see varying responses to the issue. Most of these responses I don't really understand how to address them.

If you've got some experience with this, can you help me?



Call off the dogs..... I finally figured this one out on my own. I should have been using the "SQL Server Native Client 10" all along.

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