Okay, I'm a newbie in this matter, and my lecturer seems to punish my class for not coming early to class. He asks us to write this assembly languange program, by using the information from internet. I really need your help about this question.
Question 1.
Initialize the grade listed below in the data segment.
Grades: 55h, 6Eh, 69h, 4Bh, 4Ch, 20h, 42h, 4Dh, 49h, 03h, E6h
Question 2.
Write an assembly program, to sum up all the data, the result should be placed in the memory as "SUM_add".

I hate doing other people's homework - http://google.com is always a good start ;) Bascially, you've got to put those grades into the .data portion of your assembly program, ie

    grades db 55h,6Eh,69h,4Bh...  ; you get where this is going...

As for question #2, you'll have to loop though the array you created in your .data section and add them all up. Here's some pseudo code for it:

B = 0
for A = 0 to 10
    B = B + grades[A]
next A
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