I'm a little confused with an assignment here and i just needed someone to point me in the right direction.
Design an inventory class that stores the following members:
serialNum : An integer that holds a part’s serial number.
manufactDate : A member that holds the date the part was manufactured in dd/mm/yyyy format.
lotNum : An integer that holds the part’s lot number.
The class should have appropriate member functions for storing data into and retrieving data from these members.
Next, design a queue class that can hold objects of the class described above. The program should have a loop that asks the user if he or she wishes to add a part to inventory, or take a part from inventory. The loop should repeat until the user is finished. If the user wishes to take a part from inventory, the program should ask the lotNum of the part and delete the part from the queue. When the user finishes the program, it should display the contents of the member values of all the objects that remain in the queue.