any one know how to write a PSEUDOCODE for a 24 hour clock?

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To do what? Keep time? Display time?

How do you mean by 24 hour clock? U mean something like this:

class 24time{
    24time(int hour, minute){
        if(hour <= 24  && minute <= 60){
            print(hour + ":" + minute);
            return 0;
        return 1;

!. Constructors do not have return values.
2. What are the default values when constructing a 24time object.

24 Hour Clock
A clock that shows hours and minutes. Push button inputs are used to allow
for setting the time, selecting AM/PM or 24 hour format for display.
An alarm feature with an extra input to program the alarm time.
An optional feature which can be included for an extra challenge would be a
calendar to be displayed using the same digits.
The clock can have either 4 digits to display hh:mm and dd-mm or 6 digits to
display hh:mm:ss and dd-mm-yy.

i need it for the avr micro contrller atmega 8535

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