I'm writing a basic sudoku solver. I have a simple method that looks for squareas with only 1 possible number and fills them in before trying to solve the puzzle.

the method look like this:

def fillinones(sq):
    table = {1:1,2:2,4:3,8:4,16:5,32:6,64:7,128:8,256:9}
    for i in range(0,80):
        print "p: ",p
        if p & ~(p & (p - 1)):
            sq[i] = table[p]

checkpossible returns a number that has uses bits to represent the possible numbers that can go in a blank square. so 1:1,2:2,4:3,etc up to nine, which is what the table does.

so if only one number can fit into the square, p must be an exponent of 2. p & ~(p & (p - 1)) fails to differentiate non 2-exponent numbers. logically it seems to make since since base 2 32: 100000 and 31: 011111 so 100000 & 011111 : 0. and the table is supposed to match the exponent with the power. I'm guessing that how it works I couldn't find an example that didn't use strings for keys.

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I tried this test code but I can't get it to work:

    def getnumber(str):
        for i in str:
            zz = ord(i)-48
            if zz<0 or zz>9:
        return num

    def testexp2(p):
        table = {1:1,2:2,4:3,8:4,16:5,32:6,64:7,128:8,256:9}
        if p & ~(p & (p - 1)):
            print "yes"
            print "no"

    in = 1
    while in is not -1:
        in = raw_input("> ")
        in = getnumber(in)
        if in>-1:
            print "\nDone\n\n"

the problem is in line 20.

in is python command checking if value is in some sequence. You are trying to use it as variable.

OK, try to do bit more effort next time, here is some code:

def testexp2(p):
    return not (p & (p - 1))

b = 1
while b is not -1:
    b = int(raw_input("> "))
    if b <= -1: break
    print b, testexp2(b)

print """

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