Hi everyone, i have a problem where i cannot solve it. So, i decided to post here my problem is, probably you guys can help me out.
Well, here is my case:
1. i already can make a new table based on the username that user type in the registration form and store it to the database.
Here is my problem:
- I want to when the user login through the login form, the database loaded based on the username.
For example: i created the table name: "Fuhans" at the database, and when i login through the login form, i used the name "Fuhans" as the username, and the database loaded based on the username that i type (for now it is Fuhans).
Here is my question:
- What happen and how do i make it happen if the user is different? For example: the code of the OLEDBCommand is fixed "FROM [Fuhans]", and user type different name in the username at the login form, this is the case that whatever user type in the username at the login form, the database is load "Fuhans" table. What i want is whatever the user type at the username in the login form, the database is loaded based on the username.
Here is the link of the screenshot or the code that prove my case above:
1. Here and Here.
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT [Code] FROM ['" + firstForm.textBox1.Text + "']", conn);
That code above doesn't work for me.. textBox1.Text is where the username at the login form.
What i have tried with the above code is, if the user type "A" as the username, the program look at the database whether there is table name "A" in the database, if it is valid (or there is), the database load.
Thanks in advance!