Okay, so I just realized I was doing half of what I wanted already..How do I pull just my interest gained on my savings account to print to console from main? Also is there a way to remove the part of my menu I have duplicated? Or a better way to do my menu? It just seems really messy.

class SavingsAccount : Account
        private decimal interestrate;
        public SavingsAccount() { interestrate = 0.0m; }
        public decimal interest { get; private set; }

            public SavingsAccount(decimal balance, decimal rate)
                : base(balance)
                interestrate = rate;
                //calculate interest when the saving account is created first time
                decimal interest = CalculateInterest();

            public decimal CalculateInterest()
               interest = base.Balance * interestrate /100;
                return interest;


        static void Main(string[] args)

            List<decimal> transactions = new List<decimal>();
            List<decimal> transactionFees = new List<decimal>();
            List<string> transactionType = new List<string>();
            //Create the array of Acount
            Account[] MyAccount = new Account[2];
            //Initialize the saving account (interest is applied immediately to savings account)
            MyAccount[0] = new SavingsAccount(1500.00m, 5.5m);
            //Initialize the checking account
            MyAccount[1] = new CheckingAccount(1000.00m, 0.5m);
            string starTop = "*****************************";
            string starSide = "*";
            Console.WriteLine("SavingAccountBalance : $" + MyAccount[0].Balance.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("CheckingAcount Balance : $" + MyAccount[1].Balance.ToString());
            //menu for checking acct
            int menuchoice = 0;
****take a look here please  SavingsAccount interest = new SavingsAccount();
                                    interest.CalculateInterest(MyAccount[1]); (i can't figure out how to call CalculateInterest)
            //menu for checking acct

            while (menuchoice != 3)
                //excuse my messy formatting, this is the menu with stars...OoOoOoo.
                Console.WriteLine(starTop + starTop);
                Console.WriteLine(starSide + " Bank Checking Account Menu                       " + starSide);
                Console.WriteLine(starTop + starTop);
                Console.WriteLine(starSide + " Please enter a selection according to number:          " + starSide);
                Console.WriteLine(starSide + " 1. Deposit                                             " + starSide);
                Console.WriteLine(starSide + " 2. Withdraw                                            " + starSide);
                Console.WriteLine(starTop + starTop);

                    menuchoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                catch (FormatException)
                    Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid selection!");

                //cases for menu
                switch (menuchoice)
                {//Deposit case
                    case 1:

                        //menu for checking acct
                        int menuchoice1 = 0;
                        while (menuchoice1 != 3)
                            //excuse my messy formatting, this is the menu with stars...OoOoOoo.
                            Console.WriteLine(starTop + starTop);
                            Console.WriteLine(starSide + " Bank Account Menu                                " + starSide);
                            Console.WriteLine(starTop + starTop);
                            Console.WriteLine(starSide + " Please enter a selection according to number:          " + starSide);
                            Console.WriteLine(starSide + " 1. Savings Account                                     " + starSide);
                            Console.WriteLine(starSide + " 2. Checking Account                                    " + starSide);
                            Console.WriteLine(starSide + " 3. Exit                                                " + starSide);
                            Console.WriteLine(starTop + starTop);

                                menuchoice1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid selection!");

                            //cases for menu
                            switch (menuchoice1)
                            {//Savings Account Deposit Case
                                case 1:

                                    Console.WriteLine(" Please enter amount to deposit to savings account");
                                    decimal savingsCredit = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Your balance is: {0:C}", MyAccount[0].Balance);
                                //Checking Deposit Case
                                case 2:

                                    Console.WriteLine(" Please enter amount to deposit to checking account");
                                    decimal checkingCredit = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("New Balance is: {0}", MyAccount[1].Balance);

                                case 3:

                    //Withdrawal Case
                    case 2:

                        //menu for checking acct
                        int menuchoice2 = 0;
                        while (menuchoice2 != 3)

                                menuchoice2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid selection!");
                            //cases for menu
                            switch (menuchoice2)
                            {//Savings Account Withdrawal Case
                                case 1:

                                    Console.WriteLine(" Please enter amount to withdraw to savings account");
                                    decimal savingsDebit = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Your balance is: {0:C}", MyAccount[0].Balance);

                                //Checking Withdrawal Case
                                case 2:

                                    Console.WriteLine(" Please enter amount to withdraw to checking account");
                                    decimal checkingDebit = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("New Balance is: {0}", MyAccount[1].Balance);

                                case 3:


ignore line 47, I've removed it.

here's my account class, I guess that's important too.

 class Account
        decimal balance;
        public Account() { Balance = 0.0m; }
        public Account(decimal amount)
            Balance = amount;
        public decimal Balance
            get { return balance; }
                if (value >= 0)
                    balance = value;
                    balance = 0.0m;
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong amount!Please check it.");
        public virtual void Credit(decimal amount)
            Balance += amount;
        public virtual bool Debit(decimal amount)
            if (Balance >= amount)
                Balance -= amount;
                return true;
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry! Debit amount exceeded acount balance!");
                return false;
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