Hello, I need help in solving 3 errors in my C++ code
The first error is** line 95 'output_minus_10' was not declared in the scope**
The Second error is line 96 'output_plus_10' was not declared in the scope
The warning is line 104 unused variable 'R_junction'

#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#define NAME 2000 //define size of output file
#define DT 0.01 //units is mS

using namespace std;

//Define global variables
double V_H ;
double V_L ;
double gamma_H ;
double gamma_L ;
double V_H2 ;
double V_L2;
double gamma_H2;
double gamma_L2;
double alpha_coef;
double beta_coef;
double V_alpha;
double V_beta ;
double alpha_coef2;
double beta_coef2;
double V_alpha2 ;
double V_beta2 ;
int Nchans;
double n_LL0 ;
double n_LH0;
double n_HL0;
double n_HH0;

//Filename to select model parameters
const char *params_file = "cx43cx45_model.dat";

//Function to read files and retune a vector of content
vector<double> fileToVector(const char *name);

int main()
  //Read the parameters from file and store in vector modelparams
  vector<double> modelparams = fileToVector(params_file);
  vector<double> modelparams_plus_10 = fileToVector(params_file);
  vector<double> modelparams_minus_10 = fileToVector(params_file);

  //Assign parameter values from file and assign to global model variables
  //Increase at 10% increments
  //Exclude (end 5)
  V_H = modelparams[0];
  V_L = modelparams[1];
  gamma_H = modelparams[2];
  gamma_L = modelparams[3];
  alpha_coef = modelparams[4]*1e-3;//units adjusted to ms
  beta_coef = modelparams[5]*1e-3;//units adjusted to ms
  V_alpha = modelparams[6];
  V_beta = modelparams[7];
  V_H2 = modelparams[8];
  V_L2 = modelparams[9];
  gamma_H2 = modelparams[10];
  gamma_L2 = modelparams[11];
  alpha_coef2 = modelparams[12]*1e-3;//units adjusted to ms
  beta_coef2 = modelparams[13]*1e-3;//units adjusted to ms
  V_alpha2 = modelparams[14];
  V_beta2 = modelparams[15];
  Nchans = (int) (modelparams[16]);
  n_LL0 = modelparams[17];
  n_LH0 = modelparams[18];
  n_HL0 = modelparams[19];
  n_HH0 = 1-(n_LL0+n_LH0+n_HL0+n_HH0);

  for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    modelparams_plus_10[i] = modelparams[i]*1.1;
    modelparams_minus_10[i] = modelparams[i]*0.9;

  //Define output file (C style code) to store model data
  FILE *output;
  char output_file_name[ NAME ];

  printf( "\nEnter an output file name: " );
  scanf( "%s", output_file_name );

  bool print_header = 0;//Flag to print file header

  output = fopen( output_file_name, "w" );//Open file
  output_plus_10 = fopen( "cx45_model_VH_2.dat", "w" );//Open file
  output_minus_10 = fopen( "cx45_model_VH_1.dat", "w" );//Open file

  //Declare variables for calculating state conductance
  double alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3, alpha_4, beta_1, beta_2, beta_3, beta_4;
  double V_LL1, V_LL2, V_LH1, V_LH2, V_HL1, V_HL2, V_HH1, V_HH2, Vj;
  double g_1, g_2, delta_g_1, delta_g_2, R_1, R_2, A, B, C, D, determinant, V_1, V_2, gamma_1, gamma_2;
  double g_HH, g_LH, g_HL, g_LL;
  double n_HH,n_LH,n_HL,n_LL;
  double g_junction, R_junction, I_junction;

  double tolerance = 0.001;

  double VJ_array[] = {-130,-100,-70,-40,-10,0,10,40,70,100,130};//Array containing voltage step protocol in units of mV

  //Voltage clamp loop (steps through voltages in VJ_array
  for (int k=0;k< 11; k++)
    double t=0;
    int count = 0;
    Vj = VJ_array[k];

    // Procedure for calculating g_LL

    g_1 = 10.0;                                                 // Initial guess for g_1
    g_2 = 10.0;                                                 // Initial guess for g_2

    V_1 = V_L;                                                  // State of hemichannel 1
    V_2 = V_L2;                                                 // State of hemichannel 2
    gamma_1 = gamma_L;
    gamma_2 = gamma_L2;

    R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;                                // Residual equation 1
    R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;                               // Residual equation 2

    while ( fabs(R_1) > tolerance || fabs(R_2) > tolerance )
      A = -((gamma_1*Vj*g_2/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;          // Partial derivative of equation 1 wrt g_1
      B = (gamma_1*Vj*g_1/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)));             // Partial derivative of equation 1 wrt g_2
      C = -(gamma_2*Vj*g_2/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)));               // Partial derivative of equation 2 wrt g_1
      D = ((gamma_2*Vj*g_1/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;          // Partial derivative of equation 2 wrt g_2

      determinant = A*D-B*C;                                            // Determinant
      delta_g_1 = (1.0/determinant)*(D*(-R_1)-B*(-R_2));                            // Change in g_1
      delta_g_2 = (1.0/determinant)*(-C*(-R_1)+A*(-R_2));                           // Change in g_2

      g_1 = g_1+delta_g_1;                                          // Updated value of g_1
      g_2 = g_2+delta_g_2;                                          // Updated value of g_2

      R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;                          // Residual for equation 1
      R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;                         // Residual for equation 2

    g_LL = (g_1*g_2)/(g_1+g_2);                                         // Junction conductance in the LL state
    V_LL1 = -Vj*(g_2/(g_1+g_2));                                            // Voltage drop across the first hemichannel
    V_LL2 = Vj*(g_1/(g_1+g_2));                                         // Voltage drop across the second hemichannel

    // Procedure for calculating g_LH

    g_1 = 10.0;
    g_2 = 10.0;

    V_1 = V_L;
    V_2 = V_H2;
    gamma_1 = gamma_L;
    gamma_2 = gamma_H2;

    R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;
    R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;

    while ( fabs(R_1) > tolerance || fabs(R_2) > tolerance )
      A = -((gamma_1*Vj*g_2/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;
      B = (gamma_1*Vj*g_1/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)));
      C = -(gamma_2*Vj*g_2/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)));
      D = ((gamma_2*Vj*g_1/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;

      determinant = A*D-B*C;
      delta_g_1 = (1.0/determinant)*(D*(-R_1)-B*(-R_2));
      delta_g_2 = (1.0/determinant)*(-C*(-R_1)+A*(-R_2));

      g_1 = g_1+delta_g_1;
      g_2 = g_2+delta_g_2;

      R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;
      R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;

    g_LH = (g_1*g_2)/(g_1+g_2);
    V_LH1 = -Vj*(g_2/(g_1+g_2));
    V_LH2 = Vj*(g_1/(g_1+g_2));

    // Procedure for calculating g_HL

    g_1 = 10.0;
    g_2 = 10.0;

    V_1 = V_H;
    V_2 = V_L2;
    gamma_1 = gamma_H;
    gamma_2 = gamma_L2;

    R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;
    R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;

    while ( fabs(R_1) > tolerance || fabs(R_2) > tolerance )
      A = -((gamma_1*Vj*g_2/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;
      B = (gamma_1*Vj*g_1/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)));
      C = -(gamma_2*Vj*g_2/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)));
      D = ((gamma_2*Vj*g_1/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;

      determinant = A*D-B*C;
      delta_g_1 = (1.0/determinant)*(D*(-R_1)-B*(-R_2));
      delta_g_2 = (1.0/determinant)*(-C*(-R_1)+A*(-R_2));

      g_1 = g_1+delta_g_1;
      g_2 = g_2+delta_g_2;

      R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;
      R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;

    g_HL = (g_1*g_2)/(g_1+g_2);
    V_HL1 = -Vj*(g_2/(g_1+g_2));
    V_HL2 = Vj*(g_1/(g_1+g_2));

    // Procedure for calculating g_HH

    g_1 = 10.0;
    g_2 = 10.0;

    V_1 = V_H;
    V_2 = V_H2;
    gamma_1 = gamma_H;
    gamma_2 = gamma_H2;

    R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;
    R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;

    while ( fabs(R_1) > tolerance || fabs(R_2) > tolerance )
      A = -((gamma_1*Vj*g_2/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;
      B = (gamma_1*Vj*g_1/(V_1*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)));
      C = -(gamma_2*Vj*g_2/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)));
      D = ((gamma_2*Vj*g_1/(V_2*(g_1+g_2)*(g_1+g_2)))*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2))))-1.0;

      determinant = A*D-B*C;
      delta_g_1 = (1.0/determinant)*(D*(-R_1)-B*(-R_2));
      delta_g_2 = (1.0/determinant)*(-C*(-R_1)+A*(-R_2));

      g_1 = g_1+delta_g_1;
      g_2 = g_2+delta_g_2;

      R_1 = gamma_1*exp((Vj/V_1)*(g_2/(g_1+g_2)))-g_1;
      R_2 = gamma_2*exp(-(Vj/V_2)*(g_1/(g_1+g_2)))-g_2;

    g_HH = (g_1*g_2)/(g_1+g_2);
    V_HH1 = -Vj*(g_2/(g_1+g_2));
    V_HH2 = Vj*(g_1/(g_1+g_2));

    alpha_1 = 2.0*alpha_coef/(1.0+exp(-V_LH1/V_alpha));
    alpha_2 = 2.0*alpha_coef2/(1.0+exp(-V_HL2/V_alpha2));
    alpha_3 = 2.0*alpha_coef/(1.0+exp(-V_LL1/V_alpha));
    alpha_4 = 2.0*alpha_coef2/(1.0+exp(-V_LL2/V_alpha2));

    beta_1 = beta_coef*exp(-V_HH1/V_beta);
    beta_2 = beta_coef2*exp(-V_HH2/V_beta2);
    beta_3 = beta_coef*exp(-V_HL1/V_beta);
    beta_4 = beta_coef2*exp(-V_LH2/V_beta2);


    //Solve differential equations using the forward euler method
    while (t < 4000)//Total of 4 second simulation

      g_junction = Nchans*(n_LL*g_LL+n_LH*g_LH+n_HL*g_HL+n_HH*g_HH)*pow(10.0,-3);   //units nanoSiemens
      I_junction = g_junction*Vj;   //units of picoAmps

      n_LL = n_LL + DT*(beta_4*n_LH+beta_3*n_HL-(alpha_3+alpha_4)*n_LL);
      n_LH = n_LH + DT*(beta_1*n_HH-(alpha_1+beta_4)*n_LH+alpha_4*n_LL);
      n_HL = n_HL + DT*(beta_2*n_HH-(alpha_2+beta_3)*n_HL+alpha_3*n_LL);
      n_HH = n_HH + DT*(-(beta_1+beta_2)*n_HH+alpha_1*n_LH+alpha_2*n_HL);

      ////////////File output code ////////////////
      //fprintf(output, "%4.10f\n" ,I_junction);

      fprintf(output, "%4.10f\n" ,I_junction);
      fprintf(output_minus_10, "%4.10f\n" ,I_junction);
      fprintf(output_plus_10, "%4.10f\n" ,I_junction);

      if( !(count % 1000) )//1 is true, 0 is false, so to print when modulo is 0, need !

        fprintf(output, "%f \t%f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f\n"
        fprintf(output_minus_10, "%f \t%f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f\n"
        fprintf(output_plus_10, "%f \t%f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f \t%4.10f\n"

      t = t+DT;
      count = count + 1;


  fclose( output );

  return 0;
vector<double> fileToVector(const char *name){
  vector<double> result;
  ifstream input (name);
  string lineData;
  while(getline(input, lineData))
      cout<<"File empty"<<endl;
      double d;
      double row;
      stringstream lineStream(lineData);

      while (lineStream >> d){
        row = d;
  return result;

The first error is** line 95 'output_minus_10' was not declared in the scope**

Look at your program, where is that variable declared? It must be declared somewhere within the function or globally before it's used. It needs to be something like FILE* output_minus_10; or like this: FILE* output_minus_10 = fopen( "cx45_model_VH_1.dat", "w" );//Open file

Thannk you i will try that

Thnaks for sharing the answer.

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