plz can any one help me.. i need it 2night

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You probably shoud have started earlier than now. What have you accomplished so far? Which one do you need help with?

hahahha the first one i the left..

We require proof of effort when helping with homework assignments. Further, don't expect anyone to do the work for you. If you do, you're not going to meet your deadline.

no I just have a final exam and I dont have a time .. so plz helllp me :((

Maybe you should have thought about it earlier. As stated, no one is going to do your homework for you. At least show us what you have done so far and don't press anyone for answers.

You're right, but I need to help .. It's all topic I have a final exam tomorrow morning

OOH shoot! We did this a few weeks ago! Ima go check if i can find it

Ok i dont know what language you use but here's how i did it on delphi

The first one

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
INum : integer ;
I : Integer ;
sStars : STRING ;
RichEdit1.Lines.Clear ;
INum := strtoint(inputbox('Number','Enter your value','')) ;
sStars := '' ;
for i := 1 to iNum do
    RichEdit1.Lines.Add(sStars + '*') ;
    sstars := sstars + '*' ;

I did another one :

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
Inum : integer ;
I : integer ;
sstars : string ;
l : integer ;
  k: Integer;
RichEdit1.Lines.Clear ;
INum := strtoint(inputbox('Number','Enter your value','')) ;
sStars := '' ;
for k := 1 to iNum do
    sstars := sstars + '*' ;
for I := 1 to iNum do
    RichEdit1.Lines.Add(sstars) ;

And heres the last one

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
iNum : integer ;
I : integer ;
sstars : string ;
k : integer ;
RichEdit1.Lines.Clear ;
INum := strtoint(inputbox('Number','Enter your value','')) ;
sStars := '' ;
for k := iNum downto 1 do
     for I := 1 to k do
         sstars := sstars + '*' ;
     RichEdit1.Lines.Add(sstars) ;
     sstars := '' ;

Hope it helped!

no I just have a final exam and I dont have a time .. so plz helllp me :((

You can downvote as much as you want, but it doesn't change either our rules or the feelings of the community about cheaters.

Hopefully a failing grade will teach you that you can't rely on chumps to bail you out.

p.s. Thread closed as a violation of the homework rule. I don't anticipate you suddenly having a change of heart, and so I'll snub a hissy fit before it starts.

commented: Wish some people would friggin' read... +2
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