Hello. I have to print information (Full name. date of birdth, count of children) using output operator overloading. But i get two errors: "no instance of constructor matches the argument list" and "cannot convert from int to int". I have to use public and private modificators too. Can you show me where I go wrong? Thanks!

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class Curricuum
        int yearOfbirdth;
        char name[100];

        int countOfchildren;

            strcpy_s(name, "");
            yearOfbirdth = 0;
            countOfchildren = 0;

        Curricuum(char *new_name, int *new_year, int new_count)
            strcpy_s(name, new_name);
            yearOfbirdth = new_year;
            countOfchildren = new_count;

        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, Curricuum&);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Curricuum& c)
    os << c.name << " - " << c.yearOfbirdth << " - " << c.countOfchildren << endl;
    return os;

int main()
    Curricuum c1("Andriy Luchko", 1996, 0);
    Curricuum c2("Taras Pavliv", 1995, 2);
    Curricuum c3("Igor Melnyk", 1992, 3);
    Curricuum c4("Pavlo Mazur", 1993, 1);

    cout << c1 << c2 << c3 << c4;


Curricuum(char *new_name, int *new_year, int new_count)
The second paramter here is an int-pointer. Not an int.

Curricuum c1("Andriy Luchko", 1996, 0);
Here, you are trying to call the constructor using an int as the second parameter. The constructor is expecting an int-pointer.

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