I wantd to know how to adjust my form size such that, when i run my code in a different monitor with different screen resoultions my program should not look small or large.

Please help me with code for the same.

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You might want to look at developing your application as a WPF application instead of Windows Forms. I understand it was designed to maintain consistency across multiple resolutions.

Develop your application by using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation).
Start vb.net -> New Project ->WPF Application.

This how you get the screen resolution:

 Dim intX As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
 Dim intY As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
 Label1.Text = (intX & " × " & intY)

and here isa little program that lets you play around with different screen sizes:

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Me.Text = "Screen Size Display"
        Label5.Text = "ChildForm width=" & "  " & Form2.Width
        Label6.Text = "ChildForm width=" & "  " & Form2.Height
        Label7.Text = "ChildForm Top" & "  " & Form2.Top - Me.Top
        Label8.Text = "Childform Left" & "  " & Form2.Left - Me.Left
        TextBox1.Text = "600"
        TextBox2.Text = "800"
    End Sub
    Public Sub ScreenResolution()
        Dim intX As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
        Dim intY As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
        Me.Width = intX
        Me.Height = intY
        Label1.Text = (intX & " × " & intY)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Go_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
        Dim scWidth As Long
        Dim scHeight As Long
        scWidth = CInt(TextBox1.Text)
        scHeight = CInt(TextBox2.Text)
        'Make sure the size is acceaptable
        If scHeight >= 200 And scWidth >= 200 Then
            Me.Width = CInt(scWidth)
            Me.Height = CInt(scHeight)
            Form2.Top = Me.Top + 20
            Form2.Left = Me.Left + 20
            MsgBox("Size Not Acceptable")
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Working_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        ' Retrieve the working rectangle from the Screen class
        ' using the PrimaryScreen and the WorkingArea properties. 
        Dim workingRectangle As System.Drawing.Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea
        ' Set the size of the form slightly less than size of 
        ' working rectangle.
        Me.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(workingRectangle.Width - 10, workingRectangle.Height - 10)
        ' Set the location so the entire form is visible.
        Me.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 10)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Go2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
        'resize form2 from textboxes
        Dim scWidth As Long
        Dim scHeight As Long
        scWidth = CInt(TextBox1.Text)
        scHeight = CInt(TextBox2.Text)
        If scHeight >= 200 And scWidth >= 200 Then
            Form2.Width = CInt(scWidth)
            Form2.Height = CInt(scHeight)
            Form2.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
            MsgBox("Size Not Acceptable")
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Exit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub Three_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
        TextBox1.Text = "320"
        TextBox2.Text = "240"
    End Sub
    Private Sub six_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
        TextBox1.Text = "640"
        TextBox2.Text = "480"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Eight_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
        TextBox1.Text = "800"
        TextBox2.Text = "600"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Thousand_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
        TextBox1.Text = "1280"
        TextBox2.Text = "1024"
    End Sub
    Private Sub mPosition()
        Dim X As Integer = Button2.Left + Button2.Width + 40
        Dim Y As Integer = Button2.Top + 60
        Form2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
        Form2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(X, Y)
    End Sub
End Class

In the end the problem is to resize and move all the controls on the form.

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