Write a C++ program that will print the pattern as shown below:


I like it Moschops! Keep it simple...

commented: its not answer of my question +0

dear its not answer of my question

Do you know how to write an "Hello world." program in C++?
If yes, then just change the hello world in what Moschops wrote.
It is an answer to your question! Try it and see!

Since this is posted in the C++ forum how about:

std::cout << "*\n***\n*****\n*******\n*********\n*********\n*******\n*****\n***\n*";

Now we already have two perfectly legal answers!

Here is #3...

    std::cout << "*" << std::endl
              << "***" << std::endl
              << "*****" << std::endl
              << "*******" << std::endl
              << "*********" << std::endl
              << "*********" << std::endl
              << "*******" << std::endl
              << "*****" << std::endl
              << "***" << std::endl
              << "*" << std::endl;

Just pure C++ code!

it's code

//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;


int i , j;

int check = 0;
int ncout = 0;

for( i = 0 ; i<10 ; i++ ){

    if ( i > 5 ){
        ncout += 4 ;
    }else if( i == 5 ){
        ncout += 2 ;

    check += (  i < 1 ) ? 1 : 2 ;

    for( j=0; j < check - ncout; j++ ){
        cout << "*";

    cout << endl;



it's code @dbfud1988: first you should read the rules I guess, and second what do you think the other contributors posted other then code?

I do not know what your needs My code is written in accordance with your map

What do you mean by map?
Your code is quite OK that is not the point.

out put map

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