Hi !
I am working in a project using vb.net 2010 with SAP Crystal Reports.
Regarding the Reports everything is fine but i had an unusual problem.
Actually i have to make a report using sub report technique but when i call the main report that calls another sub report then Crystal Reports gives an error "Database Login Failed"

I show the code for both Master and sub report below.

"Code for Sub Report"

MyDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tbl_view_JC_SUP", SQL_CONNECTION)
MyDataAdapter.TableMappings.Add(0, "tbl_view_JC_SUP")
MyDataSet = New DataSet
MyDataSet.Tables(0).TableName = "tbl_view_JC_SUP"
Dim MyCrystalReport As New rpt_CCC_JobCard_Sup

"Now Code for the Master Report"

MyDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tbl_view_JC_Master", SQL_CONNECTION)
MyDataAdapter.TableMappings.Add(0, "tbl_view_JC_Master")
MyDataSet = New DataSet
MyDataSet.Tables(0).TableName = "tbl_view_JC_Master"
Dim MyCrystalReport As New rpt_CCC_JobCard
frm_r_ReportScreen.crvReportViewer.ReportSource = MyCrystalReport

"rpt_CCC_JobCard_Sup" and "rpt_CCC_JobCard" are the crystal reports.
rpt_CCC_JobCard_Sup is the sub report of rpt_CCC_JobCard
when i call the master report then crystal reports error comes "Database Login Failed"
can anyone help me ????
i am very worried !

thanks !

You need to close the first connection to be able to open it a second time.

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