Dear friends,
I have a set of files created at certaing time. I would like to group the result where consecutive time difference is more than 1 minute.
For example

A 10:01:25
B 10:01:29
C 10:01:52
D 10:01:58
E 10:02:12
F 10:02:22
G 10:11:01
H 10:11:18
I 10:30:00

The above should result in
A 10:01:25
B 10:01:29
C 10:01:52
D 10:01:58
E 10:02:12
F 10:02:22

G 10:11:01
H 10:11:18

I 10:30:00

This is because the difference between a and b, b and c,...e and f is lower than 1 minute. F and G are about 9 minutes apart, so I need another group here.
I mean, the difference should be done each with the next in alphabetic order (and values are already provided in alphabetic order).
What would be the best approach?

You need to add the group number, for example

import datetime as dt
import itertools as itt
import operator as op

def todatetime(string):
    return dt.datetime.strptime(string, '%H:%M:%S')

def enhanced_sequence(seq):
    """yields pairs (group number, time string)

        seq: sequence of ordered time string 'HH:MM:SS'
    seq = iter(seq)
    prev = next(seq)
    dtprev = todatetime(prev)
    group = 0
    yield (group, prev)
    for s in seq:
        dts = todatetime(s)
        if (dts - dtprev).total_seconds()/60.0 >= 1
            group += 1
        yield (group, s)
        prev, dtprev = s, dts

def time_groups(seq):
    """Yield list of grouped time strings

        seq: sequence of ordered time string 'HH:MM:SS'
    for key, g in itt.groupby(enhanced_sequence(seq), key=op.itemgetter(0)):
        yield [x[1] for x in g]

Edit: bugfix

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