Ok, I've been trying different tutorials/methods of learning asm and right now I'm reading Dr. Paul Carters tutorial and using NASM and DJGPP to compile. I just got into the conditional/jump section and I wanted to test how the jumps work and ran into a problem. The read_char macro seems to never run and when I look into the registers EAX always has an ascii 'A' (linefeed) in it after the read_char is suppost to run. I can't even enter anything a 'y' or 'n'. I warn you I'm a beginner, and this is a corny test program.

%include "asm_io.inc"

segment .data
label1	db	"Enter your age: ", 0
label2	db	"Are your really ", 0
label3	db	" (y or n): ", 0
label4	db	"Wow, your old!", 0
label5	db	"Ok, sorry!", 0

segment .bss
age	resd 1
yorn	resd 1

segment .text
	global _asm_main

	enter 0,0

	mov eax, label1
	call print_string

	call read_int

	mov dword [age], eax

	mov eax, label2
	call print_string
	mov eax, dword [age]
	call print_int
	mov eax, label3
	call print_string

	mov eax, 0
	call read_char		; <-- will not get input

	mov dword [yorn], eax	

	cmp dword [yorn], 'y'
	jnz no

	call print_nl
	mov eax, label4
	call print_string

	mov eax, 0

	call print_nl
	mov eax, label5
	call print_string

	mov eax, 0

Any comments or suggestions on how I can make things easier or avoid problems are very welcome. This has been driving me nutts:mad:

Also, I have tried commenting every line before the read_char untill the first call print_string and when I get to the read_int line and comment it also, then it works.

Nevermind, this is solved. Dr. Carter and some very nice people on the alt.lang.asm group helped me out.

K, nevermind the problem is still there. Any ideas:?????

Solved!!! Finally!!!

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