Hello, I do want to start off by saying this is completely out of my area as I've never really worked with any ASP.net sites and hosting off IIS is also new to me. The site we currently have deployed is c#.net and was written back in 2005-2007, I have never used c# to create any ASP.net sites however I was going to start learning it but it seems that now it is more apparent to use MVC instead of webforms. The question I have regarding this area is that our site uses windows authentication and Active Directory to authenticate users and is also hosted locally and not public facing so we have no login. As of 2 or 3 weeks ago it randomly (we have no idea of any events that would have caused this and we are sure there was no change to any of the script) started not working in chrome for 90% of the people and for the other 10% it "worked" if you tried to update a status or a ticket chrome would pop up an alert box with a username and password blank asking for username and password. For 10% of people that will work and authenticate but for the other 90% it never actually lets them authenticate. It seems to work fine in internet explorer and we haven't tested in firefox yet. Does this sound like something that was caused from a chrome update or maybe an update to IIS? It has worked without a problem for at least 7 years no problem and then it just stopped functioning properly. Can anyone shed some light on this situation.
toxicandy 2 Junior Poster
rproffitt 2,693 https://5calls.org Moderator
LaxLoafer 71 Posting Whiz in Training
toxicandy 2 Junior Poster
rproffitt 2,693 https://5calls.org Moderator
toxicandy 2 Junior Poster
LaxLoafer 71 Posting Whiz in Training
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