Hi, I am not able to destroy a hash table. I have put the destroy function below:

void desTable(ListNode* v[10])
    ListNode* temp;
    ListNode* tempNext;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (NULL != v[10])
            temp = v[10];
            while (NULL != temp)
                tempNext = temp->next;
                delete temp;
                temp = tempNext;
            v[10] = NULL;

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Just from a qucik perusal of your code, it looks to me that instead of iterating through the array by using i as the index, you've hard coded the index as 10, the eleventh element in the array, which is beyond the bounds of the array. Try replacing the 10 with i inside the loop.

temp and tempNext are used only internally this method why do they have pointers ?

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