got to develop a project on online reservation system.just help me to know how to start with.need help urgently.help......

Well, getting the requirements frist would be a first good step. Then figuring out what your business objects are from there would be a nice second step.

You must first show some effort and then we will help.


got to develop a project on online reservation system.just help me to know how to start with.need help urgently.help......


First u will have to decide how big project u want to develop. Then only u can decide of how many modules u can have. Any normal reservation system will have following modules. I am assuming it to be airway reservation system.

1. Admin Module :-
a) Flight Creation :
b) Leg / Sector Creation:
c) Flight-Sector Creation
d) Fare Master (with respect to Flight, Sectors selected, Adult,Child etc)
e) Flight-Schedule Creation
f) Ticket Booking / Generating ticket / printing ticket
g) Ticket Cancellation & Refund
2. User Module
a) Login & Registration
b) Search (Flight wise, Sector-wise, date-wise)

U can expand it as per your requirement. (You can add Agent Booking, Brach-wise Booking, Open Ticket Booking, Group Booking etc)

I hope it helps, u r welcome for more query.


if you need help at this early a stage you lack the basic skills needed to create such a system.
Tell that to your employer/customer so they can hire someone who CAN do the job instead of being stuck with you.

And if it's that urgent at this stage in the process you either waited far too long to get started or accepted a way too tight deadline.

In all it sounds to me like just another "do my homework for me" demand from some schoolkid.

i'm want to source code related to the project online airline ticket reservation in jsp 7 help to devlop in project

i'm want to source code related to the project online airline ticket reservation in jsp 7 help to devlop in project

I guess your skills are limited only to writing and not to reading, because if you had read the previous posts you wouldn't have made such question thread-jacker

Also this is a 2 year-old post. What are doing posting in to this

i'm want to source code related to the project online airline ticket reservation in jsp 7 help to devlop in project

This sort of project is out-dated for higher education. Kids in secondary school often works on it.
To do it right you would have to do good example of database and not limit your self only for HTML+JSP solution but full force of HTML, JSP, servlets, JSF, JSTL and add some RIA approach.

If you still up to challenge start coding and ask question when run into problems

We understood your problem you con visit our site that is helpful for you

Adventure travel is one of the fastest growing travel sectors. Our industry is undergoing a significant evolution to meet the increasing demands of clients and distributors of our products.

for read more Click Here [SNIPPED]

You have confirmed my belief that people go to any lengths to advertise their product, sometimes without even seeing that the help seeker was asking for help more than two years ago. He must have found whatever he had asked for by now, your blind advertising didn't win you any customer here and I hope it never will.

You have confirmed my belief that people go to any lengths to advertise their product, sometimes without even seeing that the help seeker was asking for help more than two years ago. He must have found whatever he had asked for by now, your blind advertising didn't win you any customer here and I hope it never will.

might be a good idea to remove the link to their site out of your post, then :)

Link snipped :)

Since this is yet another 'gimme a project' thread with no real value, locked.

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