When i assemble follow code

;                             EAT.ASM
;                Backhanded advertising program
;                                      by Jeff Duntemann
;                                      MASM/TASM
;                                      Last update 3/5/89
MyStack    SEGMENT STACK        ; STACK word ensures loading of SS by DOS
           DB      64 DUP ('STACK!!!') ; This reserves 512 bytes for the stack
MyStack    ENDS
;     END STACK SEGMENT      |

MyData     SEGMENT
Eat1       DB      "Eat at Joe's...",'$'
CRLF       DB      0DH,0AH,'$'
MyData     ENDS
;      END DATA SEGMENT      |
MyProg     SEGMENT
           assume CS:MyProg,DS:MyData
Main       PROC
Start:     ; This is where program execution begins:
           mov  AX,MyData   ; Set up our own data segment address in DS
           mov  DS,AX       ; Can't load segment reg. directly from memory
           lea  DX,Eat1     ; Load offset of Eat1 message string into DX
           mov  AH,09H      ; Select DOS service 09H: Print String
           int  21H         ; Call DOS
           lea  DX,CRLF     ; Load offset of CRLF string into DX
           mov  AH,09H      ; Select DOS service 09H: Print String
           int  21H         ; Call DOS
           mov  AH,4CH      ; Terminate process DOS service
           mov  AL,0        ; Pass this value back to ERRORLEVEL
           int  21H         ; Control returns to DOS
Main       ENDP
MyProg     ENDS
;      END CODE SEGMENT      |
           END Start

This errors occured ( that is shown in picture )

No guidance ? :!: :?:

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