razstec 31 Junior Poster in Training

i need to get all attachments from a jira issue.

done this so far

from jira import JIRA

issues = jira.search_issues(search_query, start, size)
    for issue in issues:
        con_tot += 1
        comentaut = ""
        comentdate = ""
        comentmsg = ""
        for x in jira.comments(issue.key):
            comentdate = x.created
            comentmsg = x.body
            pth = 'https://cloud.atlassian.net/browse/' + str(issue) + '/'
            a = comentmsg.split('|width')
            af = a[0].replace('!','')
            path2img = pth+af
            comentaut = x.author.displayName

unfortunatly this is not work, the link it generates dont seem to point anywhere. this is what im getting


Anyone knows how to build the direct link to the image?

thanks in advance


attach_list = issue.fields.attachment

but i get

AttributeError: 'PropertyHolder' object has no attribute 'attachment'