Karl Gibbs 0 Newbie Poster

hi i have 2 questions and im using vb.net 2005

Question 1

How do i print a HTML page to the default printer without any printer prompts apearing. The html file is generated at runtime and i need it to be printed. i can either dump the HTML file in the users temp directory or store it as a string.

Question 2

Im not sure why this problem occours, in my application i have an update checker, and it reads values from a .txt file on a webserver. this txt file tells my application where to download the update file but when i download the update file it is corrupt. but it reads the text file fine. would it be anything to do with the encoding. i used utf-8 for text files (which is standard i think) but despite other encoding methods i use i still get the same problem.

Karl Gibbs