Quick question, what do i want to put in the while of my do while statement in myprintitle function so that will loop around with the main part as well.

using namespace std;
int startDay(int , int );
int calcjan1(int, int );
void printMonth (int , int );
int days(int ,int , int );
int daysinmonth(int , int );
void printtitle(int , int );
int monthnum;
int main()
int jan=0;
char y;
char again;
int year=0; 
int month = 1;
int monthnum = 1;
    cout<<"Enter a year for a calendar you would like to view:";
   int startDay = calcjan1(year, jan); 
   for(month = 1;month<= 12; month++,monthnum++)
        int days = daysinmonth( month,year);
         startDay = (startDay + days)%7;
     cout<<"Would you like to enter another year?: Hit y to continue";
}while (again=='y'); 
return 0;
//calculates the first day of Jan. for year entered
int calcjan1(int year, int jan)
     jan = ((year-1)*365+((year-1)/4)-((year-1)/100)+(((year-1)/400))+1)%7;
    return jan; 
void printMonth (int startDay, int days)
     cout<<"Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat\n";
     cout<<"--- --- --- --- --- --- ---\n";
    for(int skipDay = 0;skipDay < startDay; skipDay++)
          cout<<"    ";
    int weekDay = startDay;
    for (int dayCount =1; dayCount <=days; dayCount++)
         if (weekDay>6)
               weekDay =1; 
          cout<<setw(3) <<dayCount<<" ";
     cout<<"\n--- --- --- --- --- --- ---\n";
//print the month name & year
void printtitle(int monthnum,int year)
    int month= monthnum;
         case 1: cout<<"January"<<setw(20)<<year<<endl;
         case 2: cout<<"February"<<setw(19)<<year<<endl;
         case 3: cout<<"March"<<setw(22)<<year<<endl;
         case 4: cout<<"April"<<setw(22)<<year<<endl;
         case 5: cout<<"May"<<setw(24)<<year<<endl;
         case 6: cout<<"June"<<setw(23)<<year<<endl;
         case 7: cout<<"July"<<setw(23)<<year<<endl;
         case 8: cout<<"August"<<setw(21)<<year<<endl;
         case 9: cout<<"September"<<setw(18)<<year<<endl;
         case 10: cout<<"October"<<setw(20)<<year<<endl;
         case 11: cout<<"November"<<setw(19)<<year<<endl;
         case 12: cout<<"December"<<setw(19)<<year<<endl;
     }while();   [B][U]<RIGHT HERE[/U][/B]
//checks for leap year
int daysinmonth(int month,int year)
         case 4:case 6:case 9:case 11: return 30;
         case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12: return 31;
         case 2: if((!(year % 4) && (year % 100) || !(year % 400)))
              return 28;
              return 29;
     return 0;

what is the purpose of that do loop? Why not just remove it ? And you don't need that switch statement if you put the month names in an array of strings.

char *months[] = { "", "January","February", ... "December"}
cout<< months[monthnum] <<setw(20)<<year<<endl;

I didnt ask you to write this program, I wrote it.And i thought i used the code tag because i highlighted the text and hit the code text button, which is what i was told to do. the loop is needed so it will print all those titles again if someone wanted to enter another year again after the first time. otherwise it just prints the dates. I was just wondering if anybody new what could be used to loop printtitle with the main

I didnt ask you to write this program, I wrote it.

Yes you did and no one is trying to do it for you. I was attempting to make some constructive criticism to show better way of coding something. If you plan to write computer programs you might as well get used to that because you will encounter criticisms your entire career. Its called "peer review" and required by most companies that you will work for. you might as well get over being so defensive about other more experience programmers evaluating your code.

.And i thought i used the code tag because i highlighted the text and hit the code text button, which is what i was told to do.

I didn't say anything about code tags -- what you saw is in my signture and appears in every post I make. Yes you did use code tags correctly. :)

.the loop is needed so it will print all those titles again if someone wanted to enter another year again after the first time. otherwise it just prints the dates. I was just wondering if anybody new what could be used to loop printtitle with the main

you don't have to do anything. When printtitle() function returns the loop in main will take care of everything. The do loop in printtitle() is not needed.

I was only being defensive because I didnt realize that was your signature. It said

A Ask all the questions you need to, but please do not ask us to write your programs for you.

and i didnt realize that was your signature. And if you run the program once and then tell it to go again it wont print those titles like it does the first time.

never mind i figured it out i needed to put an if statement after i call the printtitle to reset monthnum back to 0 so it will go through again.

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