Carlos Sa 0 Newbie Poster

Hello, all

I am having some difficulty in a part of a macro where I want to insert this formula in an Excel spreadsheet.


When executed, one of the problems I am having is that apostrophes are inserted around "E12", so the second IF looks like:
and excel marks it with an error...

I bypassed the same error on the TRIM function by writing it like this:

If I try the same method for the IF(E12,1,0) part, I get a syntax error.

This is the actual statement from the VB macro:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(TRIM(""D" & detailrow & """)=""GEO:"",1,0)+IF(E" & detailrow & ",1,0)"
and this is the result:

Thanks in advance for any suggestions
