I am writing a code for class that calculates 3 different mortgage rates with 3 different time periods and then displays the monthly payment. What I am getting for the output is on 2 of the payments is a negative payment amount. I am at a loss to understand why. :sad:
import java.math.*; //*loan calculator
import java.text.*; //*formats numbers
public class MultipleMortgageLoans {
public static void main(String args[])
double mortgageCalculator1[] = new double[6];
double mortgageCalculator2[] = new double[6];
double mortgageCalculator3[] = new double[6];
double loan = 200000; // Declare the loan amount
double term1 =360; //The 30 year mortgage
double interestRate1 = 0.0575; //*5.75% 5.75/100interest rate 30 year mortgage
double monthlyRate1 = (interestRate1/12);
double term2 =84; //The 7year mortgage loan
double interestRate2 = 0.0535; //*5.35 5.35/100 interest rate 7 year mortgage
double monthlyRate2 = (interestRate1/12);
double term3 =180; //The 15 year mortgage
double interestRate3 = 0.0550; //*5.5 5.5/100 interest rate on 15 year mortgage
double monthlyRate3 = (interestRate1/12); //* monthlyRate for 15 year mortgage
//Discount factor calculations for the three loans
double discountFactor1 = (Math.pow((1 + monthlyRate1),term1)-1/(monthlyRate1 * Math.pow((1 + monthlyRate1),term1)));
double discountFactor2 = (Math.pow((1 + monthlyRate2),term2)-1/(monthlyRate2 * Math.pow((1 + monthlyRate2),term2)));
double discountFactor3 = (Math.pow((1 + monthlyRate3),term3)-1)/(monthlyRate3 * Math.pow((1 + monthlyRate3),term3));
double payment1 = loan/discountFactor1; //*Rate Calculation for 30 year mortgage
double payment2 = loan/discountFactor2; //*Rate Calculation for 7 year mortgage
double payment3 = loan/discountFactor3; //*Rate Calculation for 15 year mortgage
java.text.DecimalFormat dfm = new java.text.DecimalFormat(",###.00");
System.out.println("Your monthly payment is $" + dfm.format(payment1));
System.out.println("Your monthly payment is $" + dfm.format(payment2));
System.out.println("Your monthly payment is $" + dfm.format(payment3));
payment1 = loan/discountFactor1;//*Rate Calculation
payment2 = loan/discountFactor2;//*Rate Calculation
payment3 = loan/discountFactor3;//*Rate Calculation