matika 0 Newbie Poster

Hello .. i wanted to ask how could i implement a transparent rich text box, as known rich text boxes couldnt have background or transparent color, after i searched i knew that the .Net frame work doesnt use the latest edition of richtextbox DLL, as it uses the second edition, and there exsists the third and forth edition in System32 The files are named either RICHEDXX.DLL (XX is the version number), or MSFTEDIT.DLL and they're in the System32 folder..Net RichTextBox control is bound to version 2. The biggest problem with this version (at least for me) is that it does not render properly if you try to make the window transparent. Later versions, however, do.A full list of features can be found here:

if sm1 please could tell me how can i use these DLLs to implement a better richtextbox with the transparent capability.

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