I have a general question about compilers, I just want to know the opinions of people that have been using them for a while. I want to know what is your favorite one (the name and version) and why you like it the best.

I have a general question about compilers, I just want to know the opinions of people that have been using them for a while. I want to know what is your favorite one (the name and version) and why you like it the best.

The one I like DevC++ 4, because it's stable, and it allows you to stay in the source-code the whole time.

It depends on what I'm doing as to what I'll use. Also depends on the computer I'm on. For helping people on the forums here, I tend to just use gcc from the command line (and a console text editor). Really lightweight for small (e.g. single file) projects. If I was going to do a relatively large project, I'd probably use Visual C++, just 'cause I'm used to its layout and I'm comfortable with it. If you're looking for one, try a few out (VC++, DevCpp, Code::Blocks) and see which you're most comfortable with.

commented: *nods* - Salem +6

Now I'm getting confused. What are we talking about, compilers or IDEs?

The only compiler I'm aware of that runs on *nix systems is gcc/g++, so I'm pretty well forced to use it in some form.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't used these in a while but...
I think that Dev-C++ is an IDE for MinGW, as is Code::Blocks. And Visual C++ is both a compiler and an IDE (it comes with a command line compiler, although no one seems to use that very much).

As far as IDEs go on Mac OS X, I use Xcode for my main coding, but will use Smultron for little text editing. On Linux I tend to use a combination of Kate and gcc/g++, or just haul out KDevelop.

Now I'm getting confused. What are we talking about, compilers or IDEs?

Good point. I made the assumption that the OP wasn't sure of the difference and considered them the same.

I assume you don't care about "the compiler under the hood" but how the compiler is used/interfaced.

I personally prefer Borland 5.5. Grew up on the command line so I get to use my editor of choice (VEdit) rather than learn the editor they choose for me.

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