I used a guide from Ticalc.org. ANd the assembler gave me this code, could someone please tell me what's wrong? I have all the requirements that are required for TASM.
Heres the error that MS-DOS had given me.
C:\ASM\TASM>asm hello
==== Now assembling hello.z80 for the TI-83 Plus ====
TASM Z80 Assembler. Version 3.2 September, 2001.
Copyright (C) 2001 Squak Valley Software
tasm: pass 1 complete.
c:\asm\source\hello.z80 line 0006: Label not found: (t2ByteTok)
c:\asm\source\hello.z80 line 0006: Label not found: (tAsmCmp)
c:\asm\source\hello.z80 line 0007: unrecognized instruction. (B_CALL(_CLRLCDFULL))
c:\asm\source\hello.z80 line 0011: unrecognized instruction. (B_CALL(_PUTS))
c:\asm\source\hello.z80 line 0012: unrecognized instruction. (B_CALL(_NEWLINE))
tasm: pass 2 complete.
tasm: Number of errors = 5
==== Errors!!! ====
==== Done ====
Here's the original code of the asm program.
#INCLUDE "ti83plus.inc"
#DEFINE ProgStart $9D95
.ORG ProgStart - 2
.DB t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
LD HL, 0
LD (PenCol), HL
LD HL, msg
b_call(_PutS) ; Display the text
.DB "Hello world!", 0