hi there, i have posted my code...please am seeking help, syntax wise

Here's my code , please i do need help

myda = New SqlDataAdapter("Select Distinct COUNTRY from FO_TestingLines_TBL order by COUNTRY", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myconnection"))
ds = New DataSet()
myda.Fill(ds, "AllTables")
OPERATOR.Visible = True
COUNTRY.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
COUNTRY.DataTextField = ds.Tables(0).Columns("COUNTRY").ColumnName.ToString()
COUNTRY.DataValueField = ds.Tables(0).Columns("COUNTRY").ColumnName.ToString()
COUNTRY.Items.Insert(0, "<--Select a Country-->")
Session("testing") = "FO_TestingLines_TBL"

End Sub
Public Sub Country_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
myda3 = New SqlDataAdapter("Select DISTINCT OPERATOR from " & Session("testing") & " where COUNTRY ='" & COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value & "' order by OPERATOR", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myconnection"))
ds3 = New DataSet()
myda3.Fill(ds3, "Tables")
OPERATOR.DataSource = ds3.Tables(0)
OPERATOR.DataTextField = ds3.Tables(0).Columns("OPERATOR").ColumnName.ToString()
OPERATOR.DataValueField = ds3.Tables(0).Columns("OPERATOR").ColumnName.ToString()
OPERATOR.Items.Insert(0, "<--Select an Operator-->")
OPERATOR.Visible = True
DataGrid1.Visible = False

End Sub
Public Sub Operator_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
myda6 = New SqlDataAdapter("Select ICCID,IMSI,MSISDN,PIN,PUK,PIN2,PUK2,Active,[ GPRS Services],[Description],Remark from " & Session("testing") & " where COUNTRY ='" & COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value & "' and OPERATOR = '" & OPERATOR.SelectedItem.Value & "' ", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myconnection"))
ds6 = New DataSet()
myda6.Fill(ds6, "FO_TestingLines_TBL")
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds6.Tables(0)
DataGrid1.Visible = True
DataGrid1.CellSpacing() = 2

End Sub
Private Sub updtcountry_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Session("infcountry") = COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value
End Sub
Private Sub updtoprinfo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Session("infcountry") = COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value
Session("infopr") = OPERATOR.SelectedItem.Value
End Sub
Private Sub updsim_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles updsim.Click
Session("infcountry") = COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value
Session("infopr") = OPERATOR.SelectedItem.Value
End Sub

Public Sub TESTLINES_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TESTLINES.SelectedIndexChanged
If TESTLINES.SelectedItem.Value = "MTC touch Testing Lines" Then
myda5 = New SqlDataAdapter("Select GSMNUMBERS, TYPE, GPRSMMS, REMARKS from MTC_TESTLINE_TBL where COUNTRY ='" & COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value & "' and OPERATOR = '" & OPERATOR.SelectedItem.Value & "'", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myconnection"))
ds5 = New DataSet()
myda5.Fill(ds5, "MTC_TESTLINE_TBL")
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds5.Tables(0)
DataGrid1.Visible = True
DataGrid1.CellSpacing() = 2
End If

If TESTLINES.SelectedItem.Value = "FO Testing Lines" Then
myda6 = New SqlDataAdapter("Select ICCID,IMSI,MSISDN,PIN,PUK,PIN2,PUK2,Active,[GPRS Services],[Description],Remark from FO_TestingLines_TBL where COUNTRY ='" & COUNTRY.SelectedItem.Value & "' and OPERATOR = '" & OPERATOR.SelectedItem.Value & "'", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myconnection"))
ds6 = New DataSet()
myda6.Fill(ds6, "FO_TestingLines_TBL")
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds6.Tables(0)
DataGrid1.Visible = True
DataGrid1.CellSpacing() = 2
End If
End Sub


What Syntax Error u r getting?

the selections in the dropdown lists are not controlling the display of data in the datagrid

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