can someone give me of a list of escape sequences in C..... i would like to know all of them if possible.....
thanks in advance...

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Read this.

Read this.

Or this which would have been faster...

\a,\b,\f,\n,\r,\t,\v,\',\",\?,\\,\0.... these are some of escape sequences..........

All escape sequences which c89 standard defines -- a single-quote ' can be represented by \', " by \", ? by \?, \ by \\, form feed by \f, new-line by \n, carriage return by \r, horizontal tab by \t, vertical tab by \v, null character by \0, octal integer by \ octal digits, and hexadecimal integer by \x hexadecimal digits; the escape sequences \a and \b are implementation-defined. The bash shell also accepts almost all of these, to be accepted in a string, the string must be in the form $'string', not 'string' or "string".

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