coco86 0 Light Poster

let's say i want to read the substring and compare so i make a function

Public Function tracingFNHdr(h As String)

Left(h, 2) = Spid
Mid(h, 3, 5) = Loc
Mid(h, 6, 6) = TermType
Mid(h, 7, 8) = TermNo
Mid(h, 9, 13) = BatchNo
Mid(h, 14, 15) = BatchType
Mid(h, 16, 29) = DateCreated
Mid(h, 30, 37) = RecordCount
Mid(h, 38, 47) = DP
Mid(h, 48, 57) = CP
Mid(h, 58, 67) = DNMid(h, 68, 77) = CN
Mid(h, 78, 87) = HTPurse
Mid(h, 88, 97) = HTNPurse
Right(h, 8) = TotalQty
End Function

Do you think it's appropriate ? to get the function like this? plss help , im new in VB ...... your help will b great....

Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
a = ts.ReadAll
tracingFNHdr (h)
line = line + 1
Debug.Print (h)