Hey Fam,
I’m working on this ..so far this is what I have..(after almost 2 1/2 frustrated hours)
As a newbie, I figure out somehow the remainder and the prime concepts. I’m finally happy that I have 0 error but the program doesn’t do what I expected! Eventhough I tested w/t a prime number, a non-prime number, and an integer less than 2...
I’m struggling with my loop because I think the program performs the loop somewhere but doesn’t give the user the option to continue many times! where did I go wrong?
I’m attempted to use a do while loop for that. Will that works?
I think that I have use the % to find my remainder properly.
I also think that I have place my 2 integer variables num (use by the user) and div (to hold the remainder) in the right place..
As I put more effort to try to fix, the more problem I'm created and getting more confused. Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks Eddy.

// This program allows the user to enter an integer greater than 1
// and tests to see if this integer is a prime number.
// This program also allows the user to do a few repetitions as possible.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int	num, div=2, result=0;
	char answer;
	// Get number from user
	cout << " Enter a number: ";
	cin >> num;
	cout << " The number is " << num << endl;
	if ( num <= 1 )
		cout << "Please Enter another number: " <<endl;
	return 0;
	while ( div < num && num % div != 0 )
	// number must be a prime
	if ( div == num )
		return 1;
	// number is not a prime
		return 0;
		if (num % div == 0)
		cout << div << " is a factor of " << num << endl;
     	if (result == 1)
     		cout << "The number " << num <<" is a prime\n";
     		cout << "The number " << num <<" is not a prime\n";
		return 0;
		cout << "Do you want to continue?(Enter Yes or No)"<<endl;
		cin >> answer;
		while (answer != 'n' && answer !='N');
		return 0;

Well your haphazard approach to using { } to mark blocks of code (and general poor indentation to start with) means that your code returns almost immediately without doing anything.

if ( num <= 1 )
		cout << "Please Enter another number: " <<endl;
	return 0;

You might think the return 0 is part of the if, but it isn't.

Whereas you may have meant

if ( num <= 1 ) {
		cout << "Please Enter another number: " <<endl;
		return 0;

If you always use { } even in the places where they're not strictly necessary, you'll save a hell of a lot of time (and confusion) when the code starts doing weird stuff because you forgot the single statement rule.

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