I have to print out the numbers -2.3 to 2.9 in increments of 0.4, and then add the poss and neg number
-2.3 -1.9 -1.5 -1.1 -0.7 -0.3 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9
Sum of negative values: -7.8
Sum of positive values: 12

i have gotten a little father than this but my code is all over the board.

#include <iostream.h>

int main() {


  for (float counter=-2.3; counter <= 3.0; counter+=.4)
    cout << counter << " ";

return 0;

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add a float counter and then add the value of counter to it within the loop that begins on line 7 of the code you posted.

>> but my code is all over the board.
Looks ok to me, just add the code I mentioned above and you have the answer.

You are very close. You just need to add a couple of things to your loop.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  // The sum of no numbers is zero, so...
  float sum_of_positive = 0.0;
  float sum_of_negative = 0.0;

  for (float counter=-2.3; counter <= 3.0; counter+=.4)
    cout << counter << " ";
    // [B]todo: if counter is less than zero, add it to the sum_of_negative[/B]
    // [B]todo: same kind of thing for positive numbers[/B]

  // [B]todo: print out your sums here[/B]

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Hope this helps.

man, too slow again...


man, too slow again...


Happes to all of us all the time :D

If youre still lost heres some code you can use:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  float sum_of_positive = 0.0;
  float sum_of_negative = 0.0;
  float counter;

  for (counter=-2.3; counter <= 3.0; counter+=.4)
    cout << counter << " ";
	if (counter < 0)
		sum_of_negative +=counter;
		sum_of_positive +=counter;


  cout << "Sum of negative values: " << sum_of_negative;
  cout << "Sum of positive values: " << sum_of_positive;

  return 0;
commented: And what does he learn when you do the work for him? -2
commented: How to cheat! It's an important part of life. +13

Nobody learns if you just give them answers. My post was as close to it as I dare go.

The trick to programming hasn't anything to do with syntax or language or loops or anything. It is thinking about the problem.

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