Hi Guyz, I had to create a program w/c objective is to omit a certain tag in xml file. the only thing in my mind is to search and get the length of the tag. my problem is what if that tag had a certain sub fields:

<cell1 />
<cell2 />
<cell3 />

find <team> and </team>, but the another thing is i don't know how to omit this tag, any help?

yes sir, omitting those tag gives to process at the other end. do we have samples that i could look in..

Using a library like expat makes dealing with much of XML a hell of a lot easier. Whilst simple XML is easy enough to deal with with simple code, it can get out of hand if you then realise you have to deal with full XML.

But at it's heart, all you need is a stack of some sort, where <tag> pushes "tag" onto the stack and </tag> pops "tag" off the stack.

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