I am a newbie to java.
I have heard that Java is a programming platform.
Did it mean than it can work both in Windows and Linux.
Or if it doesn't ,what does a programming platform mean to be?

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Yes it can work with both windows and linux, but like all things you still have to be careful.

You can still write code that is non-portable.

>Or if it doesn't ,what does a programming platform mean to be?

Check your grammar.

>Did it mean than it can work both in Windows and Linux.

Yes, it does.

thanks dudes.
I would like to know more about a programming platform.
Can any one explain me?

I would have vary hard time explaining you, since I have no idea who/what you are, or what your purpose is.

I am an Engineering Student.
I don't have Java in my syllabus.
But I would like to know more about it as I used to hear about Java more.

you obviously are deaf and blind both as you've missed 10 years+ of information available online, in bookstores, and in libraries around the world.

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