Well, I want to start to learn some different types of computer languages. But I have to start somewhere. I know the basic of like html but nothing great. Couldn't type it or anything but could edit if I had to. I was thinking about learning Java. But what is Java used for? Like what would I use it for?

Basically what computer language is the easiest to learn and which one the most useful?


I would suggest C++ language...which would give the basics of OOPs and make you comfortable with programming concepts, syntax, logic etc....

But note that there are many other languages being used ...like Java, C#,VB.Net, Ruby...for most of them OOPs is the basic...so focus on learning the basics of OOPS along with the programming.

Alright. Will look into C++ tomorrow. When I do start to learn it. Is there somewhere I can type it in and really see what it does?

cause I just looked in the C++ forum and all I see if letters and whatnot. I know I have to learn it and all. But is there somewhere that if I would copy and paste some C++ I could see it or...I don't know I hope you get what I am asking haha I can't explain it.

Thanks again.

If u r really interested in coding then its better to do C++. Otherwise look for GUI environment like VB

You've asked one of those questions that starts flame wars. (Personally, I like Pascal.)

The real answer is: it doesn't really matter.

You might choose one language over another based on what you have in mind to do with it. But if you just want to learn programming then pick one you think you'll like and start there. Good choices to begin with include C++, Python, Pascal, and SmallTalk. These are all imperative, object-oriented, mainstream languages with GUI capabilities and RAD environments.

The C and C++ forums on this board are the most active, so C++ might be a good choice if you want help here. So would Python. I and a couple of other people here can help you in Pascal, but there are other places with dedicated Pascal and SmallTalk and etc. forums you'd want to find.

Hope this helps.

If you're serious about programming, then you're going to end up learning several languages in some detail, and at least be familiar with a good many more.

Learning to program is like learning to drive.

Having learnt to drive, whether you then choose a Ferrari, an MPV or an 18-wheel big-rig really depends on what you're trying to do. For some jobs, it's pretty obvious what kind of vehicle (or which programming language) you should be using. For others, its down to skill and judgement.

Languages are just tools, much like a hammer, saw and chisel are tools to a carpenter. The rest is the skill in the hands of the user as to whether a work of art emerges, or a stay in casualty.

im suggest to start to the difficult languages like vb.net or C and why don't u start in vb 6 in easy and very comfortamble to use bcoz it has intelesense

C++ may be too much for a beginner. I recommend Python.

iam sorry but Qbasic maybe or just start to vb6

Try Factor. I think a language like that would be great for a beginner. You'll get good at thinking about solving problems and good at general programming-thinking. C++ will mire you in a pit of unnecessarily complicated things -- you can always learn it later. VB 6 will give you brain damage -- it appears you'll find yourself slurring your text and unable to put a basic sentence together, based on what I've read above. So I think Factor is easy to learn (or it would be if it had documentation), and Python certainly is. So is Ruby. So is Scheme. There's a bunch of languages; I recommend going with Python but don't enjoy it too much.

Some people are like, "such and such is OOP", but that doesn't matter.

In summary: if you want to get good at _programming_, Python or Factor (or both at the same time) would be good choices to start with, C and C++ are important to learn eventually, and getting Scheme with a taste of pseudo-functional programming will be useful eventually too. As a matter of speed, you'll get off the ground faster if you avoid C++ and C at first. As far as which is easiest to start with, that of course doesn't matter at all.

C++ or C is more easier......... period

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