Hi , Inside a recursive function i have a static variable, when i return that static variable , it's value becomes zero.
count = trimWS(someXMLNode);
i get count as 0 , but when i debug countWS was 9.
Pls help me why this is happening and what is the right way to return some value from recursive function.

example :

int trimWS(xmlNode pNode) {
   static int countWS;
   //trimming leading whitespaces
   if(pNode == 0) {
        return countWS;
   while(pNode->name[0] != 0) {
        if( pNode->name[0] == 9 || pNode->name[0]== 10 || pNode->name[0]== 13                     || pNode->name[0]== 32) {
       }else {

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I think you missed out a return statement on the last line.

return trimWS(pNode->FChild)

which means that the function is just returning something that happens to be on the stack when it finishes executing.

yeah , thanx taw ,i made it correct.its working now.

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