while compiling this code i have got an error Declartion not allowed here its a C program title of the program is " LIBRARY MANAGEMENT"

struct library
char bk_name[30];
char publisher[30];
float price;

int main()
struct library l[100];
char pb_nm[30],bk_nm[30];
int i,j, keepcount;
i=j=keepcount = 0;

printf("\n\n## Library Management ##\n");
printf("\n1. Add book information\n");
printf("2. Display All Books Available \n");
printf("3. Display Highest Price Book\n");
printf("4. Display list of Publishers\n");
printf("5. Exit");

printf ("\n\nEnter one of the above : ");

switch (j)
/* Add book */
case 1:  

    printf ("Enter book name = ");
    scanf ("%s",l[i].bk_name);

    printf ("Enter publisher name = ");
    scanf ("%s",l[i].publisher);

    printf ("Enter price = ");
    scanf ("%f",&l[i].price);

case 2:
    printf("Display All Books Available\n");
    printf ("\n book name = %s",l[i].bk_name);

    printf ("\t author name = %s",l[i].publisher);

    printf ("\t  price = %f",l[i].price);

case 3:
    printf ("Highest Price Book : ");
float temp = 0;
    for (i=0;i<keepcount;i++)
        if(temp < l[i].price)
            temp = l[i].price;
    printf("%f", temp);


case 4:
    printf ("List of Publishers : ");
    for (i=0;i<keepcount;i++)
        printf ("\n %s ",l[i].publisher);

case 5:
    exit (0); 
return 0;

At line 60 you declare float temp = 0;
Move the declaration to the top of main.

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